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Libidus Herbal Dietary Supplement

Libidus For Men was the Winner of 'The Most Effective Herbal Sexual Enhancer' Title! Between Aug 2 and 24, 2003, Herbs & Health News conducted an independent test to determine the most effective male herbal sexual enhancer on the net. 12 leading brands, including Libidus (tongkat ali), Imperial Gold Maca, Vigorex, Herbal V and VigRx were tested on 50 couples (with 4 of the men being impotent) for speed of reaction and duration of effectiveness. Libidus beat the competition in both categories, with an average reaction time of 9.8 minutes and duration of effectiveness of 12 hours and 22 minutes. As of 6/05, Libidus has not only outsold the competition, but put several of them out of business. Libidus has sold over 5,000,000 capsules worldwide with no sign of slowing down!
Stock Code | ST209 |