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We will now send you an email - please click the link in the email to confirm your subscription', animation: { open: {height: 'toggle'}, close: {height: 'toggle'}, easing: 'swing', speed: 100 }, timeout: 0, modal: true, killer:true }); }); }; function toggleCart(prodID,title,img,size,colour,goToDetailPage,category){ var str = img.src; if(str == null) str = "add_to"; var ret = ""; var cartItemCount="0"; var cartTotalPrice="0"; if (str.indexOf("add_to") > 0){ if (goToDetailPage==true){ window.location='///'+category+'/'+prodID+'/'+title.replace(/ /g,"_")+'.html'; }else{ $.get( "///amend_cart.asp", { process: "add", prodID: prodID, size: size, colour: colour } ) .done(function( data ) { ret=data; cartItemCount = ret.split(',')[0] cartTotalPrice = ret.split(',')[1] if (cartItemCount=="0"){ $('#checkoutDIVactive').hide(); $('#checkoutDIVinactive').show(); str='

Your shopping basket is empty.

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You have 1 item in your shopping basket.

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You have '+cartItemCount+' items in your shopping basket.

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Your shopping basket is empty.

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You have 1 item in your shopping basket.

'; $('#basket_contents').html("1 item, £"+parseFloat(cartTotalPrice).toFixed(2)); }else{ str='

You have '+cartItemCount+' items in your shopping basket.

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Your shopping basket is empty.

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You have 1 item in your shopping basket.

'; $('#basket_contents').html("1 item, £"+parseFloat(cartTotalPrice).toFixed(2)); }else{ str='

You have '+cartItemCount+' items in your shopping basket.

'; $('#basket_contents').html(cartItemCount+" items, £"+parseFloat(cartTotalPrice).toFixed(2)); } } var n = noty({ layout: 'topRight', type: 'success', text: title+" ADDED to your basket!"+str, animation: { open: {height: 'toggle'}, close: {height: 'toggle'}, easing: 'swing', speed: 100 }, timeout: 2000, modal: false, killer:true }); if(img.src != null) img.src='///images/remove_from_cart.png'; else img.innerHTML = "Remove from cart"; }); } }else{ $.get( "///amend_cart.asp", { process: "remove", prodID: prodID, size: size, colour: colour } ) .done(function( data ) { ret=data; cartItemCount = ret.split(',')[0] cartTotalPrice = ret.split(',')[1] if (cartItemCount=="0"){ $('#checkoutDIVactive').hide(); $('#checkoutDIVinactive').show(); str='

Your shopping basket is empty.

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You have 1 item in your shopping basket.

'; $('#basket_contents').html("1 item, £"+parseFloat(cartTotalPrice).toFixed(2)); }else{ str='

You have '+cartItemCount+' items in your shopping basket.

'; $('#basket_contents').html(cartItemCount+" items, £"+parseFloat(cartTotalPrice).toFixed(2)); } } var n = noty({ layout: 'topRight', type: 'error', text: title+" REMOVED from your basket!"+str, animation: { open: {height: 'toggle'}, close: {height: 'toggle'}, easing: 'swing', speed: 100 }, timeout: 2000, modal: false, killer:true }); if(img.src != null) img.src='///images/add_to_cart.png'; else img.innerHTML = "Add to cart"; }); } }